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Yingkou Bohai Magnesium Materials Co., Ltd.

Contact: Zhuang Yanshan (Mr.)

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Phone call: +86 0417-5289488  +86 13904074678

Mailbox: dsqbohai@126.com 

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耐火材料公司需求不足产能过剩矛盾难解 The contradiction between insufficient demand and excess capacity of refractory companies is difficult to resolve

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耐火材料公司需求不足产能过剩矛盾难解 The contradiction between insufficient demand and excess capacity of refractory companies is difficult to resolve

发布日期:2015-08-25 00:00 来源:http://www.ykbhlm.com 点击:

http://www.ykbhlm.com  据中国证券报记者统计,去年6耐火材料上市公司净利润合计为36873.39万元,同比减少28.58。而已经公布一季报的5家公司净利润合计同比下滑20.54。 业内人士表示,相关政策的出台将有利于耐火材料行业落后产能的退出,改善行业无序发展的现状,濮耐股份、金磊股份、北京利尔、瑞泰科技等技术领先、产业链完整的龙头上市公司将受益。但需求不足和产能过剩的矛盾短期难以消除,行业基本面仍不乐观。 利润下滑应收账款增加数据显示,这6家公司去年净利润都出现下滑。其中,瑞泰科技净利润同比下滑最大,达到93.93,金磊股份同比下滑45.28。 中国耐火材料协会对52家生产企业的调研也显示,2012年销售收入同比降低4.29,利润同比降低21.4。 对于净利润下滑,6家公司给出的理由基本一致。2012年全球经济复苏缓慢,下游行业持续低迷,需求不足;行业内竞争加剧,导致部分耐火材料产品销售价格下降。


http://www.ykbhlm.com According to statistics from the China Securities Journal, the total net profit of the six refractory listed companies last year was 36,873,390 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 28.58. The net profit of the five companies that have already announced a quarterly report has fallen by 20.54 year-on-year. According to industry insiders, the introduction of relevant policies will facilitate the withdrawal of backward production capacity in the refractory industry and improve the current situation of disorderly development in the industry. Leading technologies such as Benaite, Jinlei, Beijing Lier, Ruitai Technology and complete industry chains Listed companies will benefit. However, the contradiction between insufficient demand and excess capacity is difficult to eliminate in the short term, and the fundamentals of the industry are still not optimistic. Falling profits Receivables increase data show that the six companies' net profit declined last year. Among them, Ruitai Technology's net profit fell the most year-on-year, reaching 93.93, and Jinlei's shares fell 45.28 year-on-year. China Refractories Association survey of 52 manufacturers also showed that sales revenue in 2012 decreased by 4.29 year-on-year, and profits decreased by 21.4 year-on-year. For the decline in net profit, the reasons given by the six companies are basically the same. In 2012, the global economic recovery was slow, downstream industries continued to be sluggish, and demand was inadequate. Intensified competition in the industry led to a decline in sales prices of some refractory products.

