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地 址:大石桥市南楼经济开发区高庄村

电 话:0417-5289488  13904074678

邮 箱:dsqbohai@126.com

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Yingkou Bohai Magnesium Materials Co., Ltd.

Contact: Zhuang Yanshan (Mr.)

Location: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Economic Development Zone, Dashiqiao City

Phone call: +86 0417-5289488  +86 13904074678

Mailbox: dsqbohai@126.com 

Zip code: 115100

污水处理用轻烧镁粉 Light burned magnesium powder for sewage treatment

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污水处理用轻烧镁粉 Light burned magnesium powder for sewage treatment

发布日期:2015-12-09 00:00 来源:http://www.ykbhlm.com 点击:


The lightly burned magnesium powder reacts with water to form magnesium hydroxide. The powdery lightly burned magnesium powder reacts with sewage. The first part generates magnesium hydroxide MgO + H2O = Mg (OH) 2. The lightly burned magnesium powder reacts with sewage to generate hydroxide. In an instant, magnesium reacts with harmful impurities such as silicon, which is a harmful substance in sewage, because magnesium hydroxide has buffering properties, high activity, strong adsorption capacity, non-corrosive, safe, non-toxic, and harmless. Features have been widely used in water treatment systems in recent years. In particular, heavy metals in sewage are more toxic, are not easily metabolized in the environment, are easily bio-enriched, and gradually expand along the biological chain. They cause more serious harm to the environment. The surface area of magnesium hydroxide is large. The adsorption capacity is strong, and the solubility product is larger than that of general metals. Therefore, in addition to the adsorption effect when treating heavy metal ions with magnesium hydroxide, precipitation will also occur due to displacement.


   据研究表明,氢氧化镁不仅可以中和废水中的酸,还可以对水中的,Cu、Fe、Cr(111)、Pb、Zn等离子形成沉淀,并通过氢氧化镁的吸附作用进一步清除,可以达到完全清除的目的,对Ni和Cd等离子也可以部分除去。  营口波海菱镁材料有限公司生产的氧化镁粉水处理剂,已被用于国内外若干城市的污水处理系统,因其产品质量稳定和良好的服务,在业内形成良好口碑。 有效减少消除污水的排放,选好轻烧镁粉,做好污水处理的第一步。选氧化镁就选有保障的厂家。

According to research, magnesium hydroxide can not only neutralize the acid in waste water, but also form precipitation of Cu, Fe, Cr (111), Pb, Zn and other ions in the water, and further remove it through the adsorption of magnesium hydroxide. To achieve the purpose of complete removal, Ni and Cd plasma can also be partially removed. The magnesium oxide powder water treatment agent produced by Yingkou Bohai Ling Magnesium Material Co., Ltd. has been used in sewage treatment systems in several cities at home and abroad. Due to its stable product quality and good service, it has formed a good reputation in the industry. Effectively reduce the elimination of sewage discharge, choose lightly burned magnesium powder, and do the first step in sewage treatment. When choosing magnesium oxide, choose a guaranteed manufacturer.

