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轻烧镁粉对水泥行业熟料结粒的影响 Effect of Light Burned Magnesium Powder on Clinker Agglomeration in Cement Industry

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轻烧镁粉对水泥行业熟料结粒的影响 Effect of Light Burned Magnesium Powder on Clinker Agglomeration in Cement Industry

发布日期:2015-05-13 00:00 来源:http://www.ykbhlm.com 点击:

http://www.ykbhlm.com窑内熟料颗粒是在液相(有些资料称熔体)作用下形成的,液相在晶体外形成毛细管桥。液相毛细管桥起到两个作用:一是使颗粒结合在一起,另一作用是作为中间介质,使CaO 和C2S在熔融态内扩散生成C3S,颗粒的强度取决于毛细管桥的强度,桥的强度,即连接颗粒的力随液相表面张力的增加和颗粒直径的降低而增加。毛细管桥的数量又和颗粒直径的平方根成反比。要结好粒,必须有足够的液相,并要求颗粒在液相内分布均匀,形成较高的表面张力,较低的液相粘度,适宜的结粒时间和温度等。








不同成分熟料的液相粘度值是不同的,一般说来液相粘度值减少,有利于CaO 和C2S在液相内扩散生成C3S,也易结粒,液相粘度与温度有关,随温度上升而下降。




http://www.ykbhlm.com The clinker particles in the kiln are formed under the action of the liquid phase (some data is called the melt), and the liquid phase forms a capillary bridge outside the crystal. The liquid-phase capillary bridge plays two roles: one is to bind the particles together, and the other is to act as an intermediate medium to diffuse CaO and C2S in the molten state to generate C3S. The strength of the particles depends on the strength of the capillary bridge. Strength, the force that connects particles, increases with increasing liquid surface tension and decreasing particle diameter. The number of capillary bridges is inversely proportional to the square root of the particle diameter. To granulate well, there must be sufficient liquid phase, and the particles must be uniformly distributed in the liquid phase, forming a higher surface tension, lower liquid phase viscosity, and suitable granulation time and temperature.

Effect of Light Burnt Magnesium Powder on Liquid Phase Properties

Liquid volume

Too little clinker liquid phase is not easy to agglomerate, too much is easy to form dense bulk clinker. The amount of liquid phase is related to the content of Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O, and MgO contained in the liquid phase. The coefficient of MgO has been increased, indicating that MgO has a greater effect on the liquid phase, which is close to that of Fe2O3. When the amount of liquid phase is between 25% and 28%, it is most beneficial to agglomeration.

Liquid surface tension

The surface tension of the liquid phase is an important property of the liquid phase, which has a direct relationship with the agglomeration. Increasing the liquid surface surface tension tends to agglomerate. The size of the clinker particles has a good linear relationship with the liquid surface tension.

The surface tension of the liquid phase is related to the electronegativity of the electrons in the outer layer of the element. Some elements such as K, Cl, and S have lower surface tension values, which is not conducive to agglomeration. Mg, Al and other elements have higher surface tension values, which is beneficial Grain.

Liquid viscosity

The liquid phase viscosity values of clinker with different components are different. Generally speaking, the liquid phase viscosity value decreases, which is beneficial to CaO and C2S diffusion in the liquid phase to form C3S, and it is also easy to agglomerate. While falling.

The liquid phase viscosity value of several elements coexisting is not the superposition of the liquid phase viscosity value of a single element.

